邵豪 副教授
学士、博士分别毕业于兰州大学和英国诺丁汉大学, 博士后训练在美国加州大学旧金山分校完成。
1. 用药物化学、生物化学、化学生物学、分子生物学和药理学等多学科方法研究酶和多蛋白复合体中蛋白-蛋白相互作用,高通量筛选方法的建立,小分子药物的筛选、合成和作用机制研究。目前研究的药物靶点主要为细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶、热休克蛋白和AAA+ ATP水解酶。
2. 荧光探针分子的合成及表征,包括识别蛋白和核酸的探针。
1. Shao, H., Taguwa S., Gilbert L., Shkedi A., Sannino S., Guerriero C. J., Gale-Day Z. J., Young Z. T., Brodsky J. L., Weissman J., Gestwicki J. E., and Frydman J. A campaign targeting a conserved Hsp70 binding site uncovers how subcellular localization is linked to distinct biological activities. Cell Chem. Biol. 2022, accepted.
2. Shao, H.; Foley, D. W.; Huang, S. L.; Abbas, A. Y.; Lam, F.; Gershkovich, P.; Bradshaw, T. D.; Pepper, C.; Fischer, P. M.; Wang, S. D., Structure-based design of highly selective 2,4,5-trisubstituted pyrimidine CDK9 inhibitors as anti-cancer agents. Eur J Med Chem 2021, 214.
3. Shao, H.; Li, X. K.; Moses, M. A.; Gilbert, L. A.; Kalyanaraman, C.; Young, Z. T.; Chernova, M.; Journey, S. N.; Weissman, J. S.; Hann, B.; Jacobson, M. P.; Neckers, L.; Gestwicki, J. E., Exploration of Benzothiazole Rhodacyanines as Allosteric Inhibitors of Protein-Protein Interactions with Heat Shock Protein 70 (Hsp70). J Med Chem 2018, 61 (14), 6163-6177.
4. Shao, H.; Gestwicki, J. E., Neutral analogs of the heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) inhibitor, JG-98. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2020, 30 (5), 126954.
5. Shao, H.; Li, X. K.; Hayashi, S.; Bertron J. L.; Schwarz, D.M.C.; Tang, B.; Gestwicki, J. E. Inhibitors of heat shock protein 70(Hsp70) with enhanced metabolic stability reduce tau levels. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2021, 41, 128025.
6. Shao, H.; Oltion, K.; Wu, T.; Gestwicki, J. E. Differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF) screen to identify inhibitors of Hsp60 protein-protein interactions. Org Biomol Chem 2020, 18, 4157-4163.
7. Shao, H.; Shi, S. H.; Huang, S. L.; Hole, A. J.; Abbas, A. Y.; Baumli, S.; Liu, X. R.; Lam, F.; Foley, D. W.; Fischer, P. M.; Noble, M.; Endicott, J. A.; Pepper, C.; Wang, S. D., Substituted 4-(Thiazol-5-yl)-2-(phenylamino)pyrimidines Are Highly Active CDK9 Inhibitors: Synthesis, X-ray Crystal Structures, Structure-Activity Relationship, and Anticancer Activities. J Med Chem 2013, 56 (3), 640-659.
8. Shao, H.; Shi, S. H.; Foley, D. W.; Lam, F.; Abbas, A. Y.; Liu, X. R.; Huang, S. L.; Jiang, X. R.; Bahrain, N.; Fischer, P. M.; Wang, S. D., Synthesis, structure-activity relationship and biological evaluation of 2,4,5-trisubstituted pyrimidine CDK inhibitors as potential anti-tumour agents. Eur J Med Chem 2013, 70, 447-455.
所有文章: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hao-Shao-2