Email: yuyinglan@swu.edu.cn
地址:重庆市北碚区天生路2号西南大学 药学院中医药学院 400715
2022.07-至今 西南大学药学院中医药学院 药剂系 讲师
2019.09-2022.06 四川大学华西药学院 药剂学 博士
2016.09-2019.06 中国药科大学药学院 药剂学 硕士
2012.09-2016.06 中国药科大学工学院 制药工程 学士
1. Yinglan Yu, Shujie Li, Yuan Yao, Xinran Shen, Lian Li, Yuan Huang*. Increasing stiffness promotes pulmonary retention of ligand-directed dexamethasone-loaded nanoparticle for enhanced acute lung inflammation therapy. Bioactive Materials, 2023, 20: 539-547.
2. Yinglan Yu, Liyun Xing, Lian Li, Jiawei Wu, Jinhan He, Yuan Huang*. Coordination of rigidity modulation and targeting ligand modification on orally-delivered nanoparticles for the treatment of liver fibrosis. Journal of Controlled Release, 2022, 341: 215-226.
3. Yinglan Yu, Chang Zu, Dongsheng He, Yanan Li, Qinying Chen, Qian Chen, Huimin Wang, Ruijuan Wang, Birendra Chaurasiya, Jennica L Zaro, Yiran Wang, Jiasheng Tu*, Chunmeng Sun*. pH-dependent reversibly activatable cell-penetrating peptides improve the antitumor effect of artemisinin-loaded liposomes. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 586: 391-403.
4. Yinglan Yu, Zhanghan Wu, Jiawei Wu, Lian Li, Yuan Huang*. Investigation of FcRn-mediated transepithelial mechanisms for oral nanoparticle delivery systems. Advanced Therapeutics, 2021, 2100145.
5. Yinglan Yu, Daquan Chen, Yanan Li, Wenqian Yang, Jiasheng Tu*, Yan Shen*. Improving the topical ocular pharmacokinetics of lyophilized cyclosporine A-loaded micelles: formulation, in vitro and in vivo studies. Drug Delivery, 2018, 25: 888-899.