
发布时间:2018-10-26 11:28:36 作者: 浏览次数: 次

F报告题目:DNA-based Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery System

报告人:张川 (上海交通大学 研究员)

报告时间:2018 11210:00-11:00





Based on the structural similarity, nucleoside analogue therapeutics are integrated into DNA/RNA strands either by chemical or biological methods, which allow us to engineer the drug-containing nucleic acid nanostructures through molecular recognition. As proof-of-concept, floxuridine-integrated DNA strands were first synthesized by solid-phase synthesis or transcription, and then self-assembled into well-defined DNA nanostructures with definite drug loading ratio as well as tunable size and morphology. As a novel drug delivery system, these drug-containing DNA nanostructures could mimic the Trojan Horse to deliver chemotherapeutics into tumor cells and fight against cancer Then, we also introduced the nucleoside analog into the antisense sequence to replace the natural nucleoside of thymine (T) and further conjugated the strands with polycaprolactone. The resulting amphiphilic DNA block copolymer could assemble into spherical nucleic acid (SNA) like two-in-one chemogene, which possessed the capabilities of rapid cell entry without the need for a transfection agent, efficient downregulation of drug resistance genes, and chronic release of chemotherapeutics for treating the drug-resistant tumors in different mouse models. Moreover, we also developed a DNA nanostructure based platform for the delivery of functional nucleic acids. For instance, we employed small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) as cross-linkers to direct the self-assembly of DNA-grafted polycaprolactone (DNA-g-PCL) brushes to form SNA-like nanogel via nucleic acid hybridization, by which siRNAs were fully embedded and protected for systemic delivery and antitumor studies.



张川研究员目前就职于上海交通大学化学化工学院,博士生导师。曾先后于清华大学化学系获得理学学士和硕士学位。2006年进入美国普渡大学化学系攻读博士学位,师从Chengde Mao教授,2011年7月获得理学博士学位。之后在美国西北大学Chad A. Mirkin教授实验室从事博士后研究工作,2014年9月加入上海交通大学化学化工学院开展独立科研工作。张川研究员长期从事核酸组装及其功能研究,在DNA纳米技术、生物大分子自组装及其生物医学应用领域具有丰富的研究经验,在Nature MaterialsPNAS, J. Am. Chem. Soc.Angew. Chem.刊物发表了一系列高水平文章。曾获得2014年香港“求是”杰出青年学者奖。